Between The Idea And Work – Course Of Musical Data Processing

The reason musical data processing is so essential to us today is that it gradually developed tools that fundamentally change how we think about music Tubidy. Its history however is very short. It merges with numerical technologies: first computers were built with programming languages. Then, it was joined by a host of other inventions in numerical tech. Data processing will have enough maturity in its early history to be able to meet all kinds of concerns.

It is evident that data processing is not the only area where it can be distinguished from other fields of technology. These fields provide the music with its new resources. It is vital to make this distinction, though, because audio numerical is being converted from the field of sound. Musical data processing is the result of the convergence of musical concerns, the environment generated by numerical technologies and specificity of computer, on one side, and of scientific fields that clarify its research topic, on the other. If the musical composition is located in a good place, almost all other activities related to music can be found there. Part of musical research also covers data processing, acoustics, treatment of signal, cognitive psychology, and other technical areas.

But it is the way that the data processing contributes to its steps that really makes them special. Artificial intelligence continues to provide new tools for conceptualization, such as languages like Prolog and Lisp. They are available immediately to the musicologist for assistance or as an abstracting service. You can create new connections between your instrument and the electronic universe through interactive research on systems and interfaces interactive.

Processing musical data on large stages is a great feat

The origin of musical data processors has brought us two types of activities. If you consider these activities to be prudent, it’s because they are in another way that the original vision of their creation could have allowed for. These are two types: the production of sound, and musical composition. The computer ensures the production of the desired outcome in both cases. These two types activities are quite contemporary. The 1956 year marks the start of serious computer musical composition tests. It was on this date that Lejaren Hiller calculated a partition by using rules encoded in algorithms on the computer Illiac I, University of Illinois. It is about Illiac Suite to String Quartet. Three of its movements are performed this year by WQXR string quartet. Lejaren Hiller explains in detail in a famous 1959 structure the methods it used to the Illiac Computer to create his partition.

It’s the same period that John McCarthy created the term artificial intelligence, and it is easy to locate. One year later max Mathews (researcher at Bell Telephone in New Jersey), was the first numerical programer to synthesize the sound for IBM 704 writes. Today it is called Music I. It is the first of many great acoustic compilers. Newman Guttman a psychologist creates the first 15 second study, In The Silver Scale.

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